Monday, May 5, 2008

Literacy Academy

I have thouroughly enjoyed the literacy academy (well most of the time). There are times that I had to get out of my comfort zone (sharing what I wrote) but this gives me an empathy for students and helps me to help them become more confident in writing and sharing. I also learned that writing is more than pen and paper--sometimes we need to have a springboard and a role model. The neatest activity that I tried in my 6th grade was to have a writing marathon outside with my students. The boys who never write had the most profound entries! Thank you.


Barri L. Bumgarner said...

Janet...I know what you mean...sharing what you've written is a really vulnerable place to be. But you have some really interesting insights, so imagine how inspiring you can be with your blog!

Unknown said...

The writing marathon is such a powerful strategy to encourage writing, to encourage healing through writing. I'm so glad your boys found it empowering.

Take care. Keep writing!