Thursday, December 22, 2016


“I’ve never felt less Christmassy” is a quote I have been seeing different ones say…and I find that if I am not careful the Bah-humbugs take over me.  BUT  when I take the focus off of all the trappings and the hustle bustle and all of the things that Christmas has become that it is NOT….then I find I have quite a lot of Christmas Spirit.  Christmas is not the decorations, the gifts, the shopping, the cooking, etc. (You fill in your own blank) ….CHRISTMAS IS that moment in time when God said, TODAY is the day that I will take on flesh and step onto earth as a LAMB in a stable to be the final sacrifice that mankind needs to bridge the gulf that sin created that has no bridge.  Christmas is that moment in time that Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 
            When I begin to put this season into perspective, the hurts, the heartaches, the is nots and the wish it were’s fade away into glorious praise that because of this moment in time, I have a Savior not just for me, but a savior for all that will believe on Him.  Let us not forget… It is all about Christ, Emmanuel, God with us. Because he came, I live.

A little story I made for the kids in my class, when they asked me to write one from a word list they had:

I find that I have a lot of Christmas Spirit when I think of the gift that was in a manger on Christmas Eve.  The Little Drummer boy, the shepherds, and the wise men knew that you would never find a gift this precious in the North Pole at Santa’s Workshop. 
This gift was not wrapped in wrapping paper but in a scarf provided by his mother. You will not bring this gift down a chimney from Santa’s Sleigh or stuffed in stocking with a candy cane nor found among the lights and decorations or under the Christmas tree with all the dolls, toys, or wrapping paper. I wouldn’t expect this gift to be left on a table with cookies and hot chocolate. 
I would expect this gift to be found in the midst the nativity scene with Angels proclaiming that the star is shining and the bells are ringing to proclaim the good news! This news would even place the biggest heart in every Grinch or Scrooge if they would but believe that the best gift of all was Christ sent among mankind to be the Savior of the World.

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