Tuesday, November 21, 2017


What does it mean to be blessed? Most people have a lot of different ideas of what ‘blessed’ means to them. In November, we often watch those begin a daily journaling of things that are thankful for. According to Webster (and the way people describe the word) blessed means bringing pleasure, contentment, or good fortune. Blessed also means held in reverence; honored in worship. In the Word of God, the word blessed can be found over 300 times and in places it means to kneel in adoration and in other it means happiness.

I find myself walking through a season that has caused me to rethink what I would call “blessings.” I find myself looking into a mirror held up by the Holy Spirit of God and through circumstances beyond my control and seeing how self-centered I actually am. See, my idea of being blessed is “happiness, things going the way I want them.” However, I am learning that the deeper meaning of blessed is being able to kneel in reverence and worship no matter (as the Apostle Paul would say) if I am abased or if I abound. [Phil 4:11-13]. The apostle said that he learned to be content in whatever state that he was in. That my friend is where blessings lie I have discovered.

In this season where difficult choices are having to be made and road is a whole lot rockier that I would like to walk and settling for what I don't "wnat", I have discovered that the blessings are not “things.” It is not in coming and going and life being as it always was and assuming it will always be. I have discovered that the real blessings are in not getting what I deserve. The blessings are in being preserved from harm. The blessings are in coming into the throne room of God and being met by His presence. The blessings are in family and friends and church family sacrificing time and talent to come alongside and walk shoulder to shoulder helping when they have their own lives to see to. The blessings are in picking up the Word of God and having just the right Word or in encountering God’s presence just when you think you might not be able to take another step. The blessings of a folded up paper being put in your hand when you are in dire need, to discover the Lord has provided an answer to prayer. The blessings are in knowing that God cares more about your eternal nature than your earthly comfort. The blessings are in a child’s arms wrapped around your neck in sincere love. The blessings are in being able to reach out to another in Christ’s love.

I have been challenged. My challenge to myself and to you are put things where they belong. We are not entitled to anything except eternal damnation. Look beyond the surface. If everything you own was stripped away and you stood with Christ in your heart and that alone—then you are a very rich person, a very blessed person indeed.

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